The answer is Nutrients are any chemical element or compound necessary for the metabolism of a all living beings.
Nutrients are a chemical that comes from outside the cell and that it needs to perform its vital functions. It is taken by the cell and transformed into a cellular constituent through a metabolic process of Biosynthesis called Anabolism. Foods contain nutrients, which are known to be substances with direct or indirect function in cellular activities that no other substance can play.
The nutrients can be:
Energetic = are those that serve as metabolic substrate for energy, so that the body can carry out the necessary functions.
Regulators = are those that control the chemical reactions of metabolism.
Structural = are those that form the structure of the organism, allowing its growth.
The Food Pyramid is a visual representation of how different foods and drinks contribute towards a healthy balanced diet. The Food Pyramid allows individuals the flexibility to choose foods and drinks from each shelf depending on their food preferences.
Yes, a company can own an organism. There was a time when it was not allowed for a company to have ownership of an organism but now it's possible including the selling of the said organism to bidders. The person can patent that changed organism provided that the organism has not been patented before.