If the disease is communicable, it is contagious. If it is airborne, it is transferred through the air, as opposed to physical touch or blood-borne. Being in a confined space, such as an ambulance, with an airborne communicable disease means you have most definitely been exposed to it.
They could be suffering from the amenorrhea cause it gives you cancer
Nothing unless there is a rule about it.
If you really want to, you could nag him to go get some exercise.
Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory is a meta-theory focused on a child's development. This theory indicates complex environmental 'layers' that have an effect on a child's development. Bronfenbrenner categorizes a person's environment into five systems: 1-microsystem (i.e., direct contact with the child, e.g., parents and siblings), 2-mesosystem (i.e., interactions between the microsystems in one's life), 3-exosystem (i.e., social structures that indirectly influence child's development), 4-macrosystem (i.e., cultural context), 5-chronosystem (i.e., transitions and shifts that influence development). A mesosystem comprises interactions between the microsystems in which the developing individual participates. In consequence, a girl’s face-to-face interaction with her siblings is part of her mesosystem because siblings form part of her microsystem and they have a direct influence on her development.