Negative influence: Snacking before dinner
Explaination: Snacking before dinner causes our stomach to be full in a not very stable way because snacking is only meant as an appetizer before our eyes. But what we must retain in mind is that, this habit may cause to neglect our main meal that is taken importantly such as breakfast, dinner and lunch . For example, if you're eating a packet of chips before dinner, you might soon feel full and leave out your plate of food for dinner. After doing so, you will go to sleep and then start feeling hungry resulting in gas. So that is not a very proper way of eating.
First step- Always check the surrounding for safety
Second step- approach the person and see if he or she is Conscious
Third step- begin CPR 30 presses for 3 Cycles
Fourth step- have your partner set up the AED while you keep CPR going
Fifth step- once your partner hears a loud sing he will yell clear and you stop compressions and stand clear from the person, once he pressed the button for the shock and shock goes through Immediately
Begin chest compressions again
it's cause because of less amount of water in body
Stress is a biological and psychological response experienced on encountering a threat that we feel we do not have the resources to deal with.
A stressor is the stimulus (or threat) that causes stress, e.g. exam, divorce, death of loved one, moving house, loss of job.
Sudden and severe stress generally produces:
<span><span>-Increase in heart rate
</span><span>-Increase in breathing (lungs dilate)
</span><span>-Decrease in digestive activity (don’t feel hungry)
</span><span>-Liver released glucose for energy
Hope this helps :-)</span></span>