1. habits you may have, could be the same habits of someone else.
2. your opioions of the way you live, as long as there good habits you'll never have issues.
3. be willing to bend when needed as your speaking about responsibility, have affective communication.
4. taking responsibility for things makes people see and like that you act like an adult
Answer: A minor party candidate
Libertarians are usually those people who opposes the ruling of the government because they believe people doesn't need to be ruled by their government , the government need to only intervene in critical matters but must not interfere in a life of individual. Therefore they are likely to be only a minor party.
A minor party is a political party that doesn't have a significant role when compared to a major party. Minor party have little to no role in the political ruling. However they can always have that one seat or a candidate who represent their ideas.
Before 1750, the European country begin to Industrialize in light of that those country started their inquiry for the crude material, so those country began to colonize other country in look for the crude materials.
Preceding the British appearance In India, the Mughal domain was rule however the majority of the South Asia followed the religion of Hinduism and since the Mughal realm was ruled by a Muslim domain, People of south east were not faithful to the leader of the Mughal domain. This is the point at which the British east Indian organization saw this as a chance and make union with the local ruler to take in desire to oust Mughal Empire.
This drove sepoy Mutiny which was Indian individuals In the British east Indian organization. Albeit the Indian Sovereigns practiced their force in many, anyway a large portion of the Indian state's ruler practice their force
they didn't haven't any force after they made a partnership and attempted to retaliate with them and British had more prominent impact than the Indian rulers .
Indian ruler didn't have more prominent impact than the British east Indian organization. In this answer Its Suggest by the Emperor of the Southeast Indian that ruler of the Tanjore are not faithful and they ought not make a union with the British East Indian organization since they resemble the France.
This shows the steadfastness of the Indian Emperor to the British East Indian organization further demonstrating the Indian demonstrating that the sovereign had little force than the British. Furthermore,It demonstrates the East India Organization had more prominent force than the Indian ruler on the grounds that the authority of the organization John Malcolm is advancing that the organization will attempt to secure the local Indian Principalities.
B. Calculating the cost of time, energy, and sacrifice.