C) speech recognition software.
Software that translates the sound of human voice into text is called a speech recognition software.
In Computer science, a speech recognition software is a voice technology application or program which enables the conversion of human voice such as spoken language to computer commands such as text through the use of speech recognition algorithms.
Some examples of speech recognition software are HTK, Kaldi, Voice navigator, Julius etc.
1. Honeymoon stage
2. Distress and anxiety
3. Adjustment
4. Adaption
5. Re-entry shock
There is no difference between ‘’ and “” string type in python. Both are used to hold the string or sequence of character in the python. triple """ """ can also use for the same.
str1 = "aeiou"
str2 = 'aeiou'
str3 =""" hello"""
print(type(str1), type(str2),type(str3))
<class 'str'> <class 'str'> <class 'str'>
Here all are used to hold string or sequence of character.
<span> a </span>manufacturing<span> or industrial </span>engineer<span> are mechanical </span>engineers<span> with ... Process </span>Engineers<span> specialise in processes where raw </span>materials<span> are converted using chemical processes resulting in significantly </span>different<span> ...</span>
TTYT stands for "talk to you tomorrow".