Windows notification and action settings
Notification and action settings is a system settings as well as a notification utility that enables quick or easy access to settings for a number of items or features.
The items include network, tablet mode, mobile hotpot, night light, brightness, Bluetooth, airplane mode, all settings, VPN, focus assist, location, project and connect. It is important to note that all the listed items can be found in the notification and action settings of a windows 10 computer.
numAccounts = SavingsAccount.numberOfAccounts
In object oriented programming, when you have created an object of class, you can create several instances (objects) from that class by referencing the className.classFeild. In this instance SavingsAccount is the class name and
numberOfAccounts is a feild (or data member). to create a new numAccount, we use the syntax as above in the answer
Wi-Fi is designed for medium range transfers up to 900 feet out doors. ANSWER: 900 feet
Using unfamiliar abbreviations and acronyms
because he using RHFD and LTRE