D. number of different product lines the company carries
Product mix is referred to as product assortment which is the total number of product lines a company offers to its customers.
Prepare for the future
Personal financial planning is the term used to describe the way an individual or a family manage their finances to meet their short-term and long-term goals. It involves developing personal financial goals and making plans on how to achieve them.
In developing and making plans, an individual considers the current and expected future income, present and expected expenditures such as medical health insurance expenses and school fees. An individual may opt to engage the services of a personal finance manager who advances on the savings and investments required to achieve the intended goals. Financial Planning Planning assists one prepare for the future.
C. financial break-even point.
Break even point in economics is the point in the business, wherein cost and revenue generated are equal and business make no profit, no loss. Similary Financial break even has a same concept, however, it is a point in business, wherein earning before EBIT is equal to the fixed financial cost of the company and these fixed costs should be earned by the company to run its business and meet its fixed financial obligation. The earning above the financial break-even point is a profit to the shareholder.
Point in financial break even, wherein earning per share is equal to zero.
The answer is: E) workers in Alzania have higher productivity due to better education and training.
Alzania and its neighbor both produce cotton and they both have the same amount of workers in the production of cotton. If Alzania is able to produce more cotton (or any type of product) using the same amount of resources (in this case labor) than its neighbor, we can conclude that Alzania does have an absolute advantage in that industry.
This absolute advantage exists because Alzania's workers are more productive than their neighbor's workers.
For example, lets say both countries have 5,000 cotton workers. Alzania produces 100 tons of cotton per worker, while its neighbor only produces 80 tons of cotton per worker. That means Alzania's workers are more productive, and labor usually gains productivity through education or training.