Phototropism refers to the movement of of plant body or parts towards or away from the light. There are two types of phototropism i. e. positive phototropism and negative phototropism.
In positive phototropism, the parts of plant body moves toward light. Movements of radical in the upward direction after seed emergence is the example of positive phototropism.
In negative phototropism, the body part of plant moves away from the light. Roots are the example of negative phototropism.
If a fabric has been tested for pilling, the grade can be located on the fabric sample and online. ISO-12945-2: 2000 Martindale Method with 415g loading mass
The nose and the tongue are two of the five sensory organs (others being skin, eyes, ears). These organs contain certain cellular structures called SENSORY RECEPTORS, which respond to different stimulus in the environment.
Nose and tongue are two organs that possess a type of sensory receptor called CHEMORECEPTORS. Chemoreceptors are receptors that respond to chemical stimuli. In other words, the receptors in the nose and tongue are stimulated by chemical substances e.g. food chemicals for TONGUE, chemicals in air for NOSE.
I would say an australian shephard