what cnidarians you need to spell right
can you upload the question again..coz some part are not showing
The heat inside the Tupperware causes an increase in pressure and when enough pressure builds, the atoms need somewhere to go and the seal at the top is easiest to break, so the top blows off.<span />
A.)are ectothermic organisms with variable body temperatures.
Invertebrates animal are animals that lack a backbone, Land invertebrates include insects,spiders, centipedes ,coelenterate, an arthropod, mollusc and the rest.
Ectotherms are also called called cold-blooded animal because their bl body temperature regulation is dependendent on external sources, such as sunlight or a heated rock surface. Some of the examples of ectotherms are fishes, amphibians, invertebratesand reptiles. The aquatic ectotherms body temperature is usually compare closely to the temperature of the surrounding water
Ectothermic species that lives in temperate regions usually experience rapid and potentially stressful changes in body temperature simply because of weather changes even among amphibians there is variation in their temperature
It is believed that naturally occurring periods of temperature variation negatively impact amphibian health.
75% purp, 25% white i would think. you could easily eliminate the 50% purp 50% white because that wouldn’t make sense, purp is the dominate color. it would most likely not be 100% purple because there are two 25-75 answers, which would most likely make it one of those answers. since purp is the dominate color, 75% white would not make sense, making the correct answer 75% purp and 25% white.