Swap codes in line 7 and 8
The code segment below
Line 1: count ← 0
Line 2: sum ← 0
Line 3: FOR EACH value IN numbers
Line 4: {
Line 5: count ← count + 1
Line 6: sum ← sum + value
Line 7: average ← sum / count
Line 8: }
Line 9: DISPLAY (average)
The above code will make the program translator calculate the average value at each iteration.
This will take a longer time to execute and also means more instructions for the program translator.
Swapping line 7 and 8 will reduce the number of instructions to execute. This will have an instant effect on the time taken to execute the program.
Swapping line 7 and 8 means that, the program translator will only calculate the average after it must have finished calculating the sum of the values in the iteration statement.