A dictonary attack.
Dictionaries hold many words that can be downloaded and used. Word or name passwords are usually just one word or maybe two. In other words, predefined words being used as a password? Not safe. When someone attempts to crack it, they use brute force attacks. Among these are dictionary attacks, which focus on the actual words rather than numbers.
<span>Program "editor" </span>let programmers write code using a word processing-like interface.
This is utilized by programming software engineers; gives them a chance to compose code utilizing a word processing like interface that usually includes functions, like, AutoCorrect and is also called text editor.
<span>True. When users make changes to the database, such as creating, altering, or dropping tables or creating or dropping indexes, the DBMS updates the system catalog automatically.</span>
See Explaination
def listmax(lst):
largest = None
for num in lst:
if largest is None or num > largest:
largest = num
return largest
mylist = [10, 20, 30]
x = listmax(mylist)