Answered below
//Program in Java
class MyInfo{
public static void main (String args []){
myFullName("John", "Doe");
myAgeMajorGPA(20, "Biology", 4.3);
public void myFullName(String initialName, String middleName){
public void myAgeMajorGPA(int age, String major, double GPA){
The answers to 1st question and part 2A is given. However, the 2B is not given complete and thus cannot be answered.
UNION is a keyword used in C Language to have a commonly shared memory that can be used by multiple elements. It is a data-type that allows different data types to use the same shared memory location.
Importance: If you want to minimize the use of memory by sharing it between different datatype variables, then use UNION. For Ex. Let's suppose I want to use 2 variables a and b of type char and int respectively. Now, suppose int takes memory space of 2 bytes and char takes 1 byte then the total amount of memory needed = 2 + 1 = 3 Bytes. But, we want to first make use of a, and once done, we want to declare variable b. We can limit the memory use by declaring a memory space of 2 bytes (max of a and b). First, we can use this space to store the int variable and when done with it, we can use it to store the char variable.
typedef struct{
int partNum;
char partName[25];
} partin;
#define Partin partin
I’m not sure what you’re asking, what about a presentation? Reply back to this and lmk so I can figure it out for ya!!
Following are the code to this question:
list_val = input()#defining a integer variable for input value
test_grades = list(map(int, list_val.split()))#defining test_grades as a list
sum_extra = -999 #defining sum_extra that holds negative integer value
sum_extra = 0#defining sum_extra that holds value
for y in range(len(test_grades)):#defining a for loop to check range of list
if(test_grades[y] > 100):# defining if block that check list value is greater then 100
sum_extra = sum_extra + (test_grades[y] - 100)#use sum_extra variable to hold extra value and add this value
print('Sum extra:', sum_extra)#print value
101 83 107 90
Sum extra: 8
In the above code a, "list_val" variable is declared, that uses an input method to input the values and declared a "test_grades" variable that uses a list method to add all values in the list.
In the next step, the "sum_extra" variable is declared, which holds some values and defines a for loop to check the range of the "test_grades", and define a if block, that checks list value is greater than 100. If the condition is true, it will remove the extra value, and add it into the sum_extera variable and add its value, and at the last use, print variable to print its value.
No you do not need a interent browzer to get to the internet.