If you would like to know the purchase price of Wilma's game, you can calculate this using the following steps:
15% of $43.89 = 15% * 43.89 = 15/100 * 43.89 = $6.5835 = $6.58
$43.89 - $6.58 = $37.31
5% of $37.31 = 5% * 37.31 = 5/100 * 37.31 = $1.8655 = $1.87
$37.31 - $1.87 = $35.44
The correct result would be <span>$35.44.</span>
I can't answer this because I don't know what she was starting with
= 6x + 6x - 6x × 7 + 6xy - 7y
36x2 - 42x + 6xy - 7y
The answer for this question is-4