くしろ の てんき は はれ のち くもり です. さいこう きおん は jゆきゅう ど です. さいてい きおん は はち ど です. こうすい かくりつ は にjゆ ぱ-せんt(いん かたかな) おd です. きおん は あつい です.
さっぽろ の てんき は くもり ときどき あめ です. さいこう きおん は jゆりょく ど です. さいてい きおん は jゆさん ど です. こうすい かくりつ は りょくjゆ ぱ-せんt(いん かたかな) おd です. きおん は あたたかい です.
かごしま の てんき は あめ です. さいこう きおん は にじゅうしちにち ど です. さいてい きおん は にじゅうさんにち ど です. こうすい かくりつ は きゅうjゆ ぱ-せんt(いん かたかな) おd です. きおん は すずしい です.
I think this one because translation hope helps comment pls
The syntactic criteria for word classes are based on what words a given word occurs with and the types of phrase in which a given word occurs whereas Looking at the "shape of a word" to determine the class the word belongs to can be called a morphological criterion. There are two branches of morphology include the study of the breaking apart (the analytic side) and the reassembling (the synthetic side) of words; to wit, inflectional morphology concerns the breaking apart of words into their parts, such as how suffixes make different verb forms.At least three criteria are used in defining syntactic categories: The type of meaning it expresses. The type of affixes it takes. The structure in which it occurs.Other examples include table, kind, and jump. Another type is function morphemes, which indicate relationships within a language. Conjunctions, pronouns, demonstratives, articles, and prepositions are all function morphemes. Examples include and, those, an, and through.
A) I used to think
B) I will think
C) I was thought
D) I had thought
E) I have been thought
F) I will be thought
G) i will have thought
H) I have thought
I) I was thought
J) I will have been thought
K) I had been thought
L)I think
:)) hope it helps
I believe the correct translation is: In the battle of Zama,
Hannibal was overcome by Roman armies and second Punic war was finished at last.
This sentence is refers to the historic Battle of Zama
(Tunis) at the end of the Punic war, the war between Carthage and Roman Empire.
Because the war was against Carthage to this war is also referred to
Carthaginian war or Hannibalic war as the army of Carthage was led by Hannibal,
so you may put that in your translation if you will. Also, words such as army and
overcame may be exchanged for troop or overwhelm. This sentence is whole
written in passive voice of perfect indicative.