sloppy that's the answer. hope this helped!
The cigar of the cow thief
E Non memini quid hapapeneda. E. S. Non creditis quia retro in bigas.
Soare dulce - epitet
câmpul înverzit - epitet
fumuri cenuși - epitet
valuri albe - epitet
lung troian - epitet
potopul de zăpadă - epitet
Alexandra St. Clair was in love with her college sweetheart Christopher Mason. One day Christopher decides they need a vacation, he makes plans for them to have a wonderful ski weekend. Alexandra's father didn't like Christopher at all and told them both. During their weekend Alexandra had a tragic accident. From that point her father tries to destroy her relationship with Christopher.
Alex's father made me angry. He could plainly see that his daughter was hurt by the breakup. He was a selfish man and had secrets of his own.
I was disappointed with this book because some of the questions were not answered. It was kind of like a movie cliffhanger with no sequel. For example, once Alexandra found out her father sabatoged her relationship with Christopher, she never confronts him. Now I am wondering if Ms. Wilson-Harris created a sequel to answer these questions.