The Department of Homeland Security is a Cabinet position that was created in 2002, out of response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.
The first American mill to carry on the processes of spinning and weaving under a single roof was located in <u>Waltham, Massachusetts.</u>
The Waltham Mill was the first mill in the United States that served the purpose of processing raw cotton into finished cloth in one process and this all was done under one roof with the help of the water-driven power loom that the mill had. This was the apparatus used to weave yarn or thread into finished cloth.
Francis Cabot Lowell was the one who build this Lowell system, which came as a labor production model. He built it in Massachusetts in the nineteenth century.
To learn more about the Waltham Mill, click
During 1811 Amedeo Avogadro ‘s hypothesis that at the same pressure and temperature equal volumes of all gases carries equalnumbers of molecules. It also distinguished that the accurate interpretation in the reaction of hydrogen with oxygen to create water, he explained the reaction showing what happens on an atomic and molecular scale using the theory of Dalton.
Victory over Japan Day - or VJ Day - was celebrated on 15 August 1945 and it marked the end of World War Two. As the name would suggest, 15 August 1945 was the moment that the Allies - that is Britain, the US and other countries that were fighting together - marked victory over Japan.