If two individual are heterozygous for both traits then there genotype will each look like this PpLl. To find the probability, you need to do a cross with both traits. Each parent has the possibility of giving the following combinations: PL, Pl, pL, pl.
PL Pl pL pl
Pl PPLl PPll PpLl Ppll
pL PpLL PpLl ppLL ppLl
pl PpLl Ppll ppLl ppll
Polka dot tail/ long lashes: 9/16
Polka dot tail/ short lashes: 3/16
Solid Tail / long lashes: 3/16
solid tail/ short lashes 1/16
The answer is (C) 9:3:3:1 ratio with 9 polka dot tails and long eyelashes, 3 polka dot tails and short eyelashes, 3 solid tails and long eyelashes (there seems to be a typo in the question) and 1 short tail short eyelash
B. Guyot
What are guyots?
- Guyots are very similar to seamounts, but they have a flat surface on the top rather than a pointy one. The image shown on the question is a guyot, as it's a seamount with a flat top.
What are seamounts?
- Seamounts are basically underwater mountains on the ocean floor.
Have a lovely rest of your day/night, and good luck with your assignments! ♡
50% of the offspring will be Aa (red), 50% will be aa (white).
Mutation is the ultimate source of genetic variation, but mechanisms such as sexual reproduction and genetic drift contribute to it as well Because prokaryotes are haploid, such a mutation immediately become part of the genetic makeup of the cell unlike eukaryotic diploids where a normal second copy of the gene usually protects the cell from the potentially lethal effect of such a mutation.