C. Other countries wanted to industrialize like Britain.
The United States exercises its foreign policy through economic aid. In the years after World War II, the United States was guided generally by containment, the policy of keeping communism from spreading beyond the countries already under its influence.
The prime meridian, or 0 degrees longitude, and the International Date Line, 180 degrees longitude, divide the Earth into Eastern and Western hemispheres. Many geographers consider the 20 degree west line of longitude and the 160 degree east line of longitude as the Eastern and Western hemispheres.
C. It was using indulgences for financial benefits.
It is believed that the main reason Martin Luther criticize the Roman Catholic Church is that the Roman Catholic Church was "using indulgences for financial benefits."
The above statement is true when Martin Luther, on October 31st, 1517, released articles titled "95 theses," which criticizes explicitly the actions of the Roman Catholic Church who were found promising remission from punishments for sin committed by people, either dead and or alive and continue to sin. The actions of the Roman Catholic Church were regarded as 'indulgences.'
Martin Luther accused the Roman Catholic Church of selling indulgences