It is the excessive use of credit. The shares trading system crash of 1929 touched off a chain of occasions that dove the United States into its longest, most profound monetary emergency in its history. It is awfully shortsighted to see money markets crash as the single reason for the Great Depression. A solid economy can recuperate from such a compression.
While hunter-gatherers ate wild grains that they collected, early farmers saved some of the grains to plant. Humans lived differently once they learned how to grow crops and tame animals that produced food. They now could produce a constant food supply. This allowed the population to grow at a faster rate.
C. Herbert Hoover
In 1908, Hoover became an independent, traveling worldwide until the world war 1 <span> in 1914.
</span>When the world war 1<span> began in August 1914, Hoover helped return of around 120,000 Americans from Europe. He led 500 volunteers in food, clothing, steamship tickets and cash.
In Neolithic cultures women were thought to be equal as men.
- Neolithic culture was started 12000 years ago when the agriculture was first introduced on earth.
- In Neolithic cultures women used to stay at home and take care about the farms. There was no any tradition of men being the superior one.
- The great emergence of female deities can be seen in that culture.
- Farming, pottery, grinding etc. was the field where females were heavily engaged.
The loss of New Orleans affected the Confederacy because.
They were no longer able to use the Mississippi River to import and export supplies. Also the blockade made it even harder to import things like food ammo and guns also making the confederacy low on man power
i hope this helps