Determine whether the following symbols are universal or contextual. In "The Nightingale and the Rose,"
Oscar Wilde uses a red rose as a symbol for love. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee uses a mockingbird as a symbol for innocence.
In A Little Princess, Frances Hodgson Burnett uses hot buns as a symbol for the connection between the main character and a poor street child.
In "The Water of Life," the Brothers Grimm use water as a symbol for life.
If you’re looking for a primary source for an essay about income, you might want to check out your government’s website or see if your state has an official site with information.
From the word choices of the author, we can detect what genre of writing they have employed. Given the style, tone, and content of the passage above, I can deduce that this is the work of
American Realism is a genre of writing that depicts life evens exactly as they are. The author uses very vivid pictures to illustrate events.
It is different from American Romanticism that clouds the true nature of events and focuses on mysteries. Romanticism also focuses on imagination and sensation.
The use of adjectives like pale, a sky that was faint, etc, paints events as they really are.
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