D) Because sticky ends can be temporarily held together by hydrogen bonding between the two strands.
Restriction enzymes cut the DNA at specific restriction sites and by the mechanism of action they can form two types of ends:
- sticky ends-single-stranded overhangs are formed
- blunt ends-without overhangs.
The main advantage of sticky ends (their overhangs) is that they can complementary bind to another overhand formed by the same restriction enzyme. So, for example in cloning, if the DNA of interest and plasmid vector are cut with the same restriction enzyme, that forms sticky ends, fragment of DNA will fit into a bacterial plasmid in one direction.
On the other hand, blunt ends can be inserted into vector in both directions: head-to-tail or tail-to-head.
It is threatening the Arctic Tundra Biomes By Melting The Ice....Love
A diet that consist highly of fruits with lots of vitamin c and vegetables along with coconut water and pomegranate juice can help maintain body heat and not lead to it over heating and of course lots of cold water. Milk with a bit of honey could also help.
The answer is mitochondrion, it is called as "the power of cell"
Answer:Una célula pasa por cuatro etapas a lo largo de su vida, que son: el nacimiento, el crecimiento, la diferenciación y la reproducción o muerte celular.
El proceso por el cual nace una célula a partir de otra preexistente se denomina división celular. El mecanismo que da origen a un nuevo individuo, en organismos unicelulares, es decir, organismos formados por una sola célula, se produce para aumentar el tamaño de su población, mientras que en organismos pluricelulares, este proceso funciona para aumentar el número de células y el reemplazo de células que se encuentren dañadas o muertas.
El ciclo celular se define como el conjunto de transformaciones que sufren las células para generar dos células hijas.
Este ciclo está formado por tres fases: la interfase, la mitosis y la ciclo