From smallest to largest they are: Asteroid, planet, star, solar system, galaxy, and then universe
How can you know what happened millions of years ago if no one was there to see it? Evidence and observation are the building blocks of all scientific inquiry; ... of the fossil record, geological formations, and genetics attest to change having taken ... clues together into a cohesive explanation of the diversity of living things. Because of the specialized and rare conditions required for a biological structure to fossilize, many important species or groups may never leave fossils at all. Even if they do leave fossils, humans may never find them—for example, if they are buried under hundreds of feet of ice in Antarctica.
The could have snuck away on a ship, as they are very sneaky
ANSWER: Human beings have been manipulating the genetic characteristics plants and animals since the introduction of agriculture indirect manipulation of human genes occurred with widespread use of public health and medical measures that preserve genes causing disease. The production of biologicals by DNA technology raises few ethical problems. Predictive medicine in which genetic markers (including DNA variants) are used for antenatal and preclinical diagnosis of genetic diseases and susceptibilities poses new questions of confidentiality, private versus societal goals, and self-determination. When normal DNA is used to treat the somatic cells of patients with hemoglobinopathies and other genetic diseases, no new ethical problems arise beyond those presented by an novel theory. In contrast, manipulation of DNA in human fertilized eggs would constitute a qualitative departure from previous therapies since this would affect future generations. In order to be able to make wise decisions on these matters the public must be well informed. Thus, formal and informal education in human biology and genetics must be improved at all levels.
Ecosystem diversity is a type of biodiversity. It is the variation in the ecosystems found in a region or the variation in ecosystems over the whole planet. Biodiversity is important because it clears out our water, changes out climate, and provides us with food.