heads up, someone will find you and report you. it always ALWAYS happens to me.
food is good!!! specifically donuts, pizza, chips, soda, cookies, slushies, icecream, donunts, chips, and donuts.
theres a lot of good stuff in the world, we just have to be able to look beyond the bad stuff which is in plain sight.
2.reaveals the opinions of the reader
The next day is rainy so Aubrey and Bridget play inside all day. Aubrey is still really sad about what happened to her mom, but is also kind of mad that her mom left her. Aubrey tells Bridget about the car crash that killed her dad and little sister, Savannah.
Liesel is referred to as a thief in the novel's first few chapters. In "The Book Thief," she is referred to as Liesel the Thief by everyone. Despite her inability to read, she claims that she stole the first book in order to keep a memento of her brother's funeral with her. You have committed theft, in my opinion, when you wrongfully take something that is not yours.
Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text explicitly says as well as inferences drawn from the text.
(which is in the above answer)