B the origin of new matter in the steady state theory???
The question is incorrect. The correct question is as follows:
The prosthetic group of hemoglobin and myoglobin is _______?
The organic ring component of heme is _______?
Under normal conditions, the central atom of heme is ________?
In ________ the central iron atom is displaced 0.4 A out of the plane of the porphyrin ring system.
The central iron atom has _______ bonds: ________ to nitrogen atoms in the porphyrin, one to a _______ residue and one to oxygen.
The hemoglobin is an important protein that transport oxygen in the body and contains the pigment that gives the red color to the red blood cells. The myoglobin protein is responsible for transport of oxygen in muscles.
The heme molecule acts as prosthetic group for both myoglobin and hemoglobin. The porphyrin ring is present in heme molecule. The iron molecule especially Fe2+ is present in heme molecule. The deoxyhemoglbin states occur when the central atom is displaced 0.4 Å. The iron central atom can form six bonds and forms four bonds with the prophyrin of nitrogen and one bond with histidine molecule. Histidine acts as a buffer fir the blood.
Gregor Mendel laid the groundwork for the science of genetics by developing his Mendelian inheritance, which <span> is a type of biological inheritance.</span><span>
In Mendelian genetics, genetic characteristics that are not expressed in an organism are said to be nondominant.
</span><span>In contrast those genetic characteristics that are expressed in an organism are said to be dominant.