Hitler did not take into consideration the prevailing weather and climatic landscape of soviet Russia.
He attacked on winter and the rest of history. Russians retreated from the cities, often with a scorch Earth policy, and of the German forces that entered Russia: cold and hunger destroyed over 70% of the forces.
Only a handful reached Poland. The soviets red army then striked back.
To mobilize voters
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The policy of internment required the Japanese citizens of America to report to the special camps to submit to the interrogations and to pledge loyalty to America after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in World War II.
The policy required the Japanese citizens of America to report to the camps irrespective of the place they resided in and the time they would have to travel.
- It mainly aimed at averting espionage attempts by the Japanese. This uprooted and separated many Japanese families and made living conditions worse for them.
- It affected the citizenship holders of America, Canada and Mexico who were of Japanese origin.
- Immigrants were not allowed on a regular basis as they did not have much knowledge when it came to work.
The Schlieffen Plan was a German war plan designed by General Alfred von Schlieffen. What did the Schlieffen Plan call for? It called for a quick attack on France through Belgium, attacking the French from behind.