Develop four hypothesis of different ways to end the war with Japan. Be sure the suggestions are realistic and reflect the perio
d in which the atomic bomb was dropped Gather and list relevant facts about the problem Submit an official list of four options for the president giving 2 advantages and disadvantages for each proposal Give the President your recommendation along with the reasoning behind it in well thought out paragraph
One option can be a full military campaign based on sending soldiers to take Japanese territory. One advantage is that the number of killed civilians would be drastically lower while another would be that nuclear weaponry would not be used and would not destroy the environment. Disadvantage would be the high amount of soldier casualties and another can be possibly a very lengthy war effort.
Another option could be a complete blockade of Japan. Since it's an island, it would be possible to blockade it from all sides and wait for Japanese people to surrender since they wouldn't be able to sustain for long without importing things. One advantage would be preventing the death of Japanese civilians and preventing deaths of US troops. Disadvantages would be that might actually endure hardships and still wouldn't surrender, and another could be that they might fight like guerrillas and attack ships and American troops
Another option can be an allied assault in which the US could attack together with Soviets and split Japan like Germany. Advantage would be reduced amount of killed Japanese civilians and reduced amount of killed American troops. The disadvantage could be that a split Japan would be problematic like split Germany was because of Communism, and another could be that it would enable soviets to spread their influence even more throughout Asia
Fourth option could be having a demonstration of the power of nuclear weaponry somewhere safe. The United States could show what they are capable of in order to scare Japan into surrender. One advantage is that Japanese civilians would not be harmed and another can be that they would still show the world how strong the United States bombs are. One disadvantage could be that Japanese people might still not surrender since there were many who wanted to stay in the war even after the two nukes, and another disadvantage could be that Japan might began preparing for nuclear warfare since they would now know what awaits them
The best possible option could be as a recommendation the naval blockade. If a naval blockade was combined with bombardment of strategic military areas then Japan would inevitably surrender even though it would take a few months at least. It would cost a lot but it would save the lives of many people who didn't have to suffer because of their government.
What affect did their interaction have on colonization? ... most affected the dynamics of European and indigenous American relationships. ... San Augustín remained a small outpost throughout the Spanish colonial period; a sort of multicultural
This eventually lead to the Russian Revolution since workers were unsatisfied with how they were treated and how they all lacked the amount of money to purchase basic necessities such as bread.
militarism is the interest of military which includes the Navy. Nationalism is supporting your own country so flags everywhere is trying to promote your country.