YOU A CHEATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A. Fails to distinguish between violent defendants and one that no longer pose a danger to society.
C. Fails to differentiate between mental illness that are temporary or lifelong conditions.
M'Naghten Rule is an insanity defense used by defendant's attorney to plead defendant not guilty of crime due to mental conditions suffered during the time crime committed.
M'Naghten Rule states that a defendant will be pleaded not guilty only under conditions when it will be proved that the mental condition of defendant was not right at the time when crime was committed and that he/she was not able to discern his/her actions as right or wrong.
The criticism received to the M'Naghten rule is that it fails to distinguish between defendants who pose threat to the society and those who do not pose threat any longer. Another criticism is that it fails to distinguish between mental illness that are temporary or conditions which are lifelong.
Therefore, option A and C are correct.
The size of a jury in charge of a criminal case depends on the weight of the criminal case. A capital criminal case according to the sixth amendment should be tried by a twelve-member jury. In case of misdemeanors, a six-member jury suffices. This is based on the Florida law of 1967 first applied in the Williams v. Florida case of 1970.
In a six-member jury, conviction has to be unanimous i.e all of the six members must approve the conviction before it is done. It is only in a twelve-member jury that conviction does not necessarily have to be unanimous.
The law made by the Nebraska legislature is unconstitutional because it allows all crimes, whether misdemeanor or felony, to be tried by a six-member jury. It also goes against the law of unanimous conviction by a six-member jury.
1.Driver's License Problems
3.Jail Time
4.Alternative Forms of Punishment
5.DUI/DWI Penalties by State
6.Young Offenders