Answer: violated the Fourteenth Amendment's Equal Protection clause
Plessy claimed the law violated the Fourteenth Amendment's Equal Protection clause, which requires that a state must not “deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” The Supreme Court disagreed with Plessy's argument and instead upheld the Louisiana law.
they seem alot has happened in this investion by suming this up too a higher person
like they are all taking this into a story which is good because it will help other's understand it and there are quite a few groups who are in this group who leads it Eldorado mines see's that it can cause a maoney contract
and he changed his mind than he wants 2,000 dollors and later in the story he finds that there is gold and he wants to find it but he puts a reserved on it
and than later he is getting rejected by the poeple who he sent this applicatin towards and later he doesnt want to return his shares which i would tell him too do so cause it would make it easyer on him
El derecho a la vida se exige constantemente, a través del propio ejercicio de este derecho. A su vez, el ejercicio del derecho a la vida como derecho natural inherente a todo ser humano se da a través del ejercicio de los otros dos derechos naturales fundamentales: la libertad y la búsqueda de la felicidad. Así, el derecho a la vida se exige viviendo plenamente, en libertad y buscando constantemente la felicidad propia y de nuestros seres queridos.
A su vez, el derecho a la vida también se exige incluyendo el respeto por este derecho en leyes fundamentales como constituciones nacionales y tratados de derechos humanos, que reconozcan este derecho como esencial a la condición humana.