Answer: The time difference between Bangladesh and Nepal is 0.25 hour(s). While in Bangladesh the actual local time is 06:00, in Nepal the time is 05:45.
Responses may vary but should include some or all of the following information:
The Soviet Union broke up into a number of independent, noncommunist states in 1991. The largest former Soviet state is Russia. Germany was reunited as East Germany and was no longer separated from West Germany by the Berlin wall. As a result of these changes, Eastern Europe began to transition from communism to democracy. As the iron rule of the former Soviet state was lifted, longstanding ethnic conflicts erupted in some formerly communist states.
Answer: occurrs because of the REPRESENTATIVENESS HEURISTIC.
Explanation: Representativeness heuristic can be defined as the act of making conclusions under probability or uncertainty. Here conclusions are made based on representativeness which makes the conclusion less accurate because the fact that some is a representative doesn't make it a likely outcome.
It is an approach that employs a practical method not guaranteed to be optimal or perfect; not following or derived from any theory.
An example can be seen in the use of horoscopes.
Answer: There are 5 categories/classifications of musical instruments according to Sachs Horn Bostel.
These include the following:
Electrophones, membranophones, idiphones, chordophones and electrophones.
Examples of each the above classifications are:
Chordophones: guitar and harp
Aerophones: Saxophone, flute and trumpet.
Membranophones: include vibration instruments like violin, guitar can as well fall in this category.
Electrophones: these include electronic organ
Idiphones: these may include bells, cymbals and xylophones.
Entrepreneurship and knowledge are the correct answers.
'Factors of production' is a term in Economics that is used to describe the inputs used when producing services or goods. As a consultant, entrepreneurship and knowledge are two of the most important factors of production that will play a crucial role in the mission of reaching economic growth. Without the due knowledge and entrepreneurship skills it becomes impossible for consultants to succeed in this mission.