ans1-Excuse me
ans3-When you ask someone for something, or you ask them to do something for you, it is essential to be as polite as possible. Here are some ways that you can be polite. A “hello” and a smile go a long way! Say “hello” at the beginning of your request.
ans4-Thank you so much!
A social statistician is someone who investigates social problems, collects the statistics, writes reports based upon the findings, and raises necessary funds.
Social statistician <span>uses </span>applied mathematics activity<span> systems </span>to review<span> human behavior </span>in an exceedingly<span> social </span>atmosphere<span> and analyzes the behaviors of </span>teams of individuals<span> in their </span>atmosphere<span> and special </span>things<span> and determines </span>the requirements of individuals<span> through </span>applied mathematics<span> sampling.</span>
It takes three to four years to complete a bachelor's program
I believe the answer is A. hope that helped
In 1917, the Russian Revolution brought an end to the Russian Empire, and the establishment of the Soviet Union. ... He moved the capital of Russia from Saint Petersburg back to Moscow on March 5, 1918. The Kremlin was reestablished as the political center of the new nation. And Moscow has been Russia's capital ever since. Hope it helps!