How did technology affect the growth of cities and housing within them? ... Advances in technology and greater business efficiency and productivity further expanded the variety of goods and services within their reach. The growing middle class also supported an expansion of higher education.
chunking and short-term is the correct answer of this question.
chunking is a strategy to enhance a short-term memory.
Chunking is an method used to separate larger numbers that can not be psychologically separated.Chunking is the grouping of words in one sentence into short, important phrases. A chunk is the material segment that is used in many graphical formats, such as PNG etc.
Short-term memory is the knowledge a person is considering or is conscious of. This is also called healthy or main memory.
1:-Launch Windows RE and perform a Start Repair.
2:- Until you pick the Last Documented Successful Configuration on the Advanced Boot Options menu are the correct answer of this question.
Technology company Rescue is a Software restore tool capable of fixing some device issues that can prevent Microsoft for operating. Install Repair checks your Computer for the problem and then attempts to fix it, so that your Computer can start properly.
The Enhanced Boot Preferences app lets you connect to the internet in advanced mode for troubleshooting.
Plagiarism is quite a bad thing because if you plagiarize, you are copying and pasting other people's work and using the work as yours (even though you change the sentence structure/ some words, it is still plagiarizing.) Fair use means un-biasness.