What was known as "The War Department" had a period of existence from August 7, 1789, in its early origins, it was also named the "War Office" during the revolution; and it was located in Philadelphia, and then moved to Washington D.C. in the early 1800s.
It was led by "The Secretary of War" who was member of the United States President's Cabinet, starting with George Washington's administration, until September 18, 1947. At this point, it got divided into Department of the Army and Department of the Air Force coming together to the Department of the Navy conforming the new "National Military Establishment" (NME), and in 1949 was renamed "the United States Department of Defense".
No but the monarchy was not good and the son of Louis XIV wasted millions of the French tax dollars on building a new palace, and then the grandson of Louis XIV, the last King of France, got France into debt for helping in the American revolution, then just a few years later, in 1789-1793 the French revolution began, the monarchy were beheaded, and Napoleon assumed control as Emperor of France.
France has never had a monarchy since