Top to bottom
A sequence diagram shows the sequence or the order in which the interaction between components takes place.
It places them in order of the occurrence of the events or interactions between the components or objects thus arranging these from top to bottom.
The sequence diagram shows the way an object in a system functions and the order it follows.
Define variables
left is l
right is r
Ask input
left or right
Ask input value
Equate l or r to the input value
Show ladder with steps equal to input value and in the side of input variable
It is bit { measurement used to quantify computer data. }
The buttons depend on what version of MS
Office he is using. Assuming Eric is using Powerpoint 2013, he must press the following:
1st Slide: Insert > New Slide >
Title Only
2nd Slide: Insert > New Slide > Comparison > Click on "Pictures" icon > Browse > Click selected picture > Insert > Delete text box saying "Click to add title" > Insert another picture using same procedures above > Add captions
3rd slide: Insert > New Slide > Two
Content > <span>Click on "Picture" icon > Browse > Click selected picture > Insert 3 more pictures > Click textbox "Click to add title" </span>
A critical thinker is someone who is actively engaged in a thought process. Active thinking is that process of making judgments about what has happened while critical thinking involves a wide range of thinking skills that eventually leads to a desired outcome. Active thinking prompts learning during complex problems situations and provides learners with an opportunity to think about how a problem will be solved. As a result, it will help them evaluate, analyze, and intercept information.