It’s possible the other 90% was excreted ? Because a lot of the energy may not be useful to the mouse’s system. ... hmmm. That’s all I could think of, sorry I can’t be a better help ;w;
well the modern day periodic table was created by Henry Moseley
Genotype of the parental plant that produced round, yellow seeds is RRgg
Let us say that allele for round shape (R) is dominant over allele for wrinkled shape(r)
and allele for green color (G) is dominant over allele for yellow color of seed.
So a wrinkled green seed will have genotype either "rrGG" or "rrGg"
Like wise a round, yellow seeds will have genotype either "RRgg" or "Rrgg"
It is given that In the F1 generation, half of the plants produced round, yellow seeds and the other half produced round, green seeds.
So if a cross is carried between rrGg and RRgg, the following offspring will be produces
rG rG rg rg
Rg RrGg RrGg Rrgg Rrgg
Rg RrGg RrGg Rrgg Rrgg
Rg RrGg RrGg Rrgg Rrgg
Rg RrGg RrGg Rrgg Rrgg
So genotype “RrGg” gives round and green seeds
And genotype “Rrgg” gives round and green seed
Thus, genotype of the parental plant that produced round, yellow seeds is RRgg
A genetic screening test is more likely to detect genetic disorders.
A genetic screening is a tool used in the field of genetics to investigate the normal configuration and alterations in genes. It is based on the identification of an individual's DNA, proteins and chromosomes.
<em>One of the main functions of genetic screening is the </em><em>detection of genetic disorders</em><em> in an individual, before or after birth.
Phenotypic expression or severity of disease are physical or functional expressions of genetic disorders, while treatment are the specific actions for these disorders.
Learn more:
Genetic screening
1- Animals survive when they compete. In limited resources, animals either compete, kill or co-operat. There are 3 ways animals complete with each other to get access o limited resources. These ways are:
- Parasitism – In this relationship, one animal gets benefit and the other gets hurt.
- Mutualism – in this interaction, both organisms benefits each other and survives.
- Commensalism- In this interaction, one organism gets benefit whereas the other gets nothing in return.
2- Living organisms are classified as:
- Producers
- Consumers
- Decomposers
Producers are the energy generators. They are the biggest source of energy for other levels. Consumers feed on producers and other animals. And the end, when consumers die, decomposers feed on them, break down their bodies and mix it with soil increase its fertility and the cycle of energy flow goes on.