So that the end products (new cells made from the division) will both have DNA to run all its processes to reproduce.
Heart valve problems
Marfan syndrome is a syndrome caused by a genetic defect in a gene that is important to define the structure of a protein called fibrin 1 which makes a part of connective tissue.
One of the main problems with people having this disorder is heart problems. Most of the people with Marfan syndrome have damaged aorta. Aorta plays an important role in carrying blood from the heart to other body parts. Therefore heart valve problem is the clinical finding that would be a treatment priority for this client.
Other symptoms associated with these disorders are tall aperture, long and disproportionate arm and leg, abnormal spine structure, etc.
It's C. They are mostly made up of hydrogen and helium
Digestion begins in the mouth with the process of chewing also known as mastication. Saliva in the mouth mixes with the food. saliva contains amylose. This breaks down sugar into smaller units of dextrins and maltose.
In the small intestine, the pancreas releases pancreatic juice which breaks down dextrins into smaller units.
the cells in the small intestine helps to transport the digested nutrients to the blood stream
Undigested food goes to the large intestine and eliminated in the stool