Ozone layer... pollution
The ozone layer is a layer in the atmosphere which provides a barrier between harmful UV rays and the Earth. However, pollution is quickly depleting the layer which in turn creates a higher risk of skin cancers and other conditions caused by harmful UV rays.
Vitamin D , better skin, healthier hair, etc.
Pyruvate is turned to lactate via a process called fermentation
Pyruvate is the product of the initial stage of cellular respiration called GLYCOLYSIS. Pyruvate is produced in the cytoplasm where glycolysis occurs. The fate of pyruvate i.e. what will eventually happen to pyruvate, is determined by the presence or absence of oxygen.
In the absence of oxygen i.e. anaerobic condition, pyruvate is converted into lactate in a process called FERMENTATION. The NADH produced during glycolysis is reoxidized to form NAD+ in the process.
<span>If I didn't know I had tay sachs (a genetic neurodegenerative condition), I would be terrified because of what I would perceive as a dysfunction of my brain. Once I were diagnosed with it, I would know there isn't any cure or treatment. I'd know that it would cause me to have a range of issues, such as paralysis, seizures and dementia. All of these would absolutely diminish my quality of life, both physically and emotionally, and shorten it. On the other hand, the effects on me of sickle cell anemia (a red blood cell disorder) would be comparatively less severe. It is treatable and manageable through diet, exercise, medication and other measures. The main symptions are pain, swelling and fatigue. Although the quality of my life would be significantly altered, at least I would feel I had options to mitigate its effects.</span>