Chain surveying is the type of surveying in which only linear measurements are made in the field. The main principle of chain surveying or chain triangulation is to provide a framework consist of a number of well-conditioned triangles or nearly equilateral triangles. It is used to find the area of the field.
Answer: Jupiter is the fifth planet in the solar system from the Sun and the largest in the Solar System. It is a gas giant with a mass one-thousandth that of the Sun, but two and a half times that of all the other planets in the Solar System combined. It has 67 moons and has rings that aren't too visible but still there. Jupiter is the fourth brightest object in the solar system and has the shortest day of all planets. Jupiter orbits the Sun once every 11.8 Earth years.
is when it contributes towards the contamination and destruction of natural habitats and the wildlife that live in those habitats by exposing them to harmful chemicals that would otherwise not be present over the natural course of things