List the 3 types of critical relationships :
the translation for this sentance is Luiz, 78 years old. Elderly person who suffers from diabetes and needs insulin daily to keep glucose levels compatible with the established criteria. Active person, but who at some point in life has gone through a process of gaining body mass above the established one. Currently weighs 98 kg. What should be the heart rate in your physical exercises so you can decrease body mass and thus lose weight. And what activity would you recommend for your Luiz?
- she or he should go out side and do some exercise
- do yoga*
- Walking briskly
- Doing housework
- Mowing the lawn
- Dancing*
- Swimming*
- Bicycling*
- Playing Sports*
The CDC works to control and prevent desease.
Answer: General defence system: acts against all pathogens.
2. Specific defence system: attacks particular pathogens.
1. Examples of the general defence system.
Skin: provides a barrier to infection.
Clotting: when skin is broken it prevents entry of pathogens.
Sebaceous glands: found in the skin and produce chemicals that kill bacteria.
Sistem pertahanan umum: bertindak melawan semua patogen.
2. Sistem pertahanan khusus: menyerang patogen tertentu.
1. Contoh sistem pertahanan umum.
Kulit: memberikan penghalang untuk infeksi.
Pembekuan: ketika kulit rusak itu mencegah masuknya patogen.
Kelenjar sebaceous: ditemukan di kulit dan menghasilkan bahan kimia yang membunuh bakteri.