Americans wanted to make George Washington president because he was a war hero, and they wanted to have someone trustworthy as president. George Washington helped win the war, and that proved that he was trustworthy.
El Renacimiento trajo consigo la cultura de la investigación y la exploración. Nuevas ideas y tecnología allanaron el camino para que las personas miraran más allá de sus propias ciudades. El espíritu del Renacimiento llevó a muchos europeos a explorar el mundo más allá de sus fronteras; y ¡QUÉ RESULTADO FUE !!
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The Shannon-Weaver Model considered physical noise, meaning random variations in the communication channel, such as loud music when talking to someone or a smudge on a printed page, and even semantic noise, such as distractions, discrepancies about the code, and event the attitude towards the sender and the message.
Wilbur Schramm’s Model is similar to the previous one, but it presents causes for the audience not to receive the message properly based on the user experience and behavioral explanations.