I believe that it creates shocks to try and start the heart up again after a heart attack. (why the sticky pads are put with the heart in the middle)
they are two major types of carbohydrates (or carbs)in food simple and complex.simple carbohydrates:this are also called simple sugars.they founds in refined sugar,like the white sugar you see in a sugar bowl.
Conservation is the act of guarding, preserving and protecting. So conserving will help reduce air pollution because instead of letting thing go to the wrong garbage or whatever you can save and conserve and even reuse. decreases air pollution.
First aid is an emergency help given to someone quickly.
The factors to consider when planning food for invalid and convalescent are Time available, budget, allergies, food dislikes, availability of foods.
<h3>Who is a convalescent?</h3>
A convalescent is an individual that just recovered from an illness while and invalid is an individual that is weakened due to an injury or an ongoing illness.
When preparing a meal for both the invalid and convalescent the following factors should be considered:
- Time available: Time for preparation of food should be considered as this may affect the duration of their medication.
- Budget: The meal should be planned based on the money available.
- Allergies: The food should be devoid of any form of constituents that may cause allergies.
Learn more about an invalid here: