I think it's the simple columnar epithelium.
Producers are the foundation of a food chain.
They provide energy for all of the consumers in an ecosystem.
The dominant phenotypes are Long flagella and one vacuole, and the recessive phenotypes are small flagella and two vacuoles.
As you can see in the attached table
1. For the size of the flagella we gave that:
- 241 organisms have long flagella
- 79 organisms have short flagella,
As there are more organisms with long flagella we can conclude that this is the dominant phenotype while the short flagella is the recessive phenotype.
2. For the number of vacuole we have:
- 247 organisms have one vacuole
- 73 organisms have two vacuole
As there are more organisms with one vacuole we can conclude that this is the dominant phenotype while having two vacuoles a is the recessive phenotype.
Dominant phenotypes = Long flagella and one vacuole
Recessive phenotypes = Short flagella and two vacuoles
The correct answer is CSA.
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is an alternative model for the distribution of agricultural products directly from the farmer to the consumer, it consists of a group of people who form a cooperative to grow and consume food. Through this socio-economic model, consumers lend their support to producers, in exchange for a direct and regular delivery of biological products, that is, producers and consumers support each other and share the benefits and risks of food production.