There is no single definition of the word restaurant because there are many different types of restaurants. Some people consider a restaurant simply an eating establishment, while others do not consider fast food or take out “restaurants” because the person is not sitting down and eating in the establishment. This is why it is hard to pinpoint one single definition of restaurant. One can say a restaurant is a casual dining restaurant. Others can say it is a fancy restaurant or a fine dining restaurant. Some may consider Burger King a restaurant while others do not think Burger King fits the definition. Restaurants can be put in specific categories, but there will never be a single definition of the word because it is a word that needs more classification than just one single definition.
I don't know what the original empire was, so I don't know what the "others" are, but here some examples:
- the Aztec empire. Contribution: the cultivation of cocoa plant
-the Roman Empire. Contribution: roads, aqueducts, spread of latin script
- Islamic Empire. Contribution: maintenance of ancient Greek knowledge in their libraries and contributions to medical knowledge
C. Challenge any laws that individuals claim unconstitutional.
Vietnam has a communist government.