option (a) because....,
Each chromosome is made of protein and a single molecule of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). ... Chromosomes are thread-like structures located inside the nucleus of animal and plant cells. Each chromosome is made of protein and a single molecule of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
option (b) not because,
Within that centrosome there are two centrioles. And centrioles are physical objects made up of things called microtubules.
option (c) not because....,
Centromere repeats in humans are made up of alpha-satellite DNA, a ∼171 bp sequence or monomer that is iteratively repeated. Alpha-satellite monomers are arranged head-to-tail and organized into repeated arrays called higher order repeats (HORs) that range from 0.2 to 5 megabases (Mb) and are chromosome specific.
not option (d) because...,
Centromere repeats in humans are made up of alpha-satellite DNA, a ∼171 bp sequence or monomer that is iteratively repeated. Alpha-satellite monomers are arranged head-to-tail and organized into repeated arrays called higher order repeats (HORs) that range from 0.2 to 5 megabases (Mb) and are chromosome specific.
hope it becomes helpful to you ☺️☺️
good luck
Arthritis is a joint disorder involving joint inflammation.Pain is often localized to only the affected joint. Osteoarthritis is a wear and tear type of arthritis often affects aging population affecting joints in hands,knees and lower back. Heberden's node is an example and develops around middle age thus Wendell might have this.
The answer SHOULD be true, but there are other factors.
the advantages include:
disease and drought resistant crops that require fewer environmental resources for them to grow
higher yields harvested as the crops are not attacked by pests resulting in humans receiving more food as well as generating more money from the trading of their crops
increased supply of food at a cheaper life and the crops could have a longer shelf life
crops bound to be healthy as they ae not constantly treated by pesticides that could harm people
reduce the use of pesticides that might be a great move for the betterment of the food supply
they reduce the use of toxins that could harm the environment as well as the animals and people
unexpected or harmful genetic changes that could result in humans health being threatened
the process of genetically modifying the crops is quite expensive
due to the plants becoming pest resistant the pests are bound to have no food hence could die leading to some helpful pests such as beetles or ladybugs that actually benefit the environment going extinct
the production of genetically modified crops results in the disruption of biodiversity as you are favouring one specific organism hence resulting in the disruption of the natural gene flow
the crops are modified hence biotech foods may be a threat to the human health