As the two plates move away from each other in a divergent boundary, the magma from the mantle beneath rises to replace the void created. The magma then cools into a new crust. Before the magma cools, the iron minerals align themselves with the magnetic fields of the earth due to their ferromagnetic properties. These cause the rocks after they are cooled to seem to have bands.
Due to magnetic reversals of the earth's magnetic fields (i.e change in magnetic north and south poles) over several hundred thousand years, these bands will orient differently depending on the then earth magnetic polarity when the magma was cooling.
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Listening to Earth is an article about the study of the plate boundaries using hydrophones which make noises and different sounds.
Listening to Earth is an article which was written about the studying of the plate boundaries by Dziak and his team. Since it is tough to send people to the bottom surface of the ocean, they made use of hydrophones making them listen to various sounds.
These sounds are made by the movement and the motions of the plate boundaries from their original position which many a times lead to the earthquakes.
Photon radiation
A high-energy photon beam is by far the most common form of radiation used for cancer treatment. It is the same type of radiation that is used in x-ray machines, and comes from a radioactive source such as cobalt, cesium, or a machine called a linear accelerator (linac, for short).
The speed of radioactive particles is also an important factor in medical use. Beta particles travel very fast. This, combined with their small size, gives them significant penetrating power. In cancer treatment, for example, beams of beta particles can be created outside the patient's body and directed at tumors.
Let us look at the what, why and how of studying extreme places like the deep earth and the deep space. Scientists need to figure out as to 'what' they want to look at such places, be it a new exotic creature or bio-genesis (birth of life). Unless there are several testable hypothesis constructed, such a study cannot begin. The 'why' aspect deals with the purpose of such research and expeditions. Is it of any use to the humans, or will it improve our current understanding of a phenomenon? The 'how' aspect deals with the technology and the economic assistance that can help in undertaking such a research. All these are the challenges that needed to be thoroughly considered to make such a research or expedition possible.