How the Agricultural/Industrial Revolution helped Britain:
1. Spike in population.
2. New farming techniques.
3. Improved livestock made more amplified food production.
4. More efficient farming.
Hope this helps!
bulimia nervosa is a type of eating disorder in which someone may feel as though they have lost control over their weight and evaluate themselves according to their body shape and weight. Someone with bulimia may feel caught in a cycle of eating large quantities of food known as ‘bingeing’, and then engaging with behaviours to compensate for this as an attempt to prevent gaining weight known as purging.
Uplifts are the state of social lives that a person faces difficulties in their lives. The peoples who grow older have fewer hassles and uplifts in there because they have already a stable life. The older people have already seen the uplifts in their life when they were young. But the peoples who faced daily life hassles or uplift in their life have chances to met life stress-or.
By avoiding the uplifts and hassles of daily life, a person can ignore the stress-or. If a person met with limited positive uplift, there would be fewer chances of positive health care such as low blood sugar, heart attack or other issues related to the daily routine.