I think its , voice purity, flexibilities, and, voice strength
The author might use logos to persuade readers because it will tap into the logic of the reader to then strengthen their argument.
Cigarettes, the most common form used for smoking, carries thousands of substances, many which will bring devastating side effects. When one smokes, he or she is breaking down their body into pieces by just the practice of inhaling. The problem of smoking in the society is that it does not simply affect just him or her. This can lead to second hand smoking and onto third hand smoking as well. Although opinions are divided, second hand smoking is just as severe as first hand smoking, as the rate of particle pollution in the air increases up to 900 times more after the first three minutes one has been exposed to the smoke. Smoking can also be destructive to the public as it can happen almost everywhere. Whenever one has a packet of cigarettes.
When the cost of the cigarettes rise nearly 10~20% a year, a high percentage of people, both adults and minors decrease the amount of smoking. Although different for each brand, Australia has been considered the country with the most expensive cigarettes. The fact that a pack is over 15 dollars discourages many against smoking, and most find a way to quit due to the high price. With the income from the raised costs of cigarettes, education and promotion are put into effect. Educating both the younger and older generation helps prevent new smokers from appearing by teaching the downside of cigarettes and the danger it holds to one’s health. Promotions can come in various methods, such as having warning signs and ingredients labelled properly on the cigarette pack. Mass media is a common method used, where dramatic advertisements are shown to depict the side effects of smoking. This could easily be done by simply sending out pictures of damaged lungs, the state of one’s oral systems, and more.
Renaissance is mostly a cultural movement, while reformation is a movement inside the Catholic church.
- The Reformation was the name for religious movements against the papacy and the Catholic Church in the 16th century. From these movements new religious communities emerged, independent of the papacy.
- The most important initiators of the Reformation were Martin Luther in Germany, Zwingli and Calvin in Switzerland.
- Supporters of the Reformation separated from the Catholic Church, proclaimed Scripture as the sole source of faith and spread their teaching in Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, England and the Scandinavian countries.
- The Renaissance marks the period when art, culture and intellectual endeavors turned to the classical art and teachings of Greece and Rome.
- The past so revived, in which Renaissance artists and scholars found inspiration to develop and explore new ideas and practices, influenced all arts and sciences.