When you add the decimals it’s the same as regular adding. You line up the decimals and then add all the way across and when you get to the decimal carry it down
Multiply the original DE by xy:
Let v=xy2, so that dv=y2dx+2xydy. Then (1) becomes
This final equation is easily recognized as separable:
dxxln|x|+CKxvKx2y2−1K2x4y4−2Kx2y2y2=−dvvv2+1−−−−−√=ln∣∣∣v2+1−−−−−√+1v∣∣∣=v2+1−−−−−√+1=x2y4+1−−−−−−−√=x2y4=2KK2x2−1integrate both sides
pretty sure it’s 108 because each angle of a pentagon is 108
The correct answer is 317