Florida has five ways more to change their constitution and they meet every 20 years and change it.
I think that the TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership ) is a prime example of this, and some example of media failing to report on it are the media in the US, UK, Norway, Germany and Spain.
The TTIP is a trade agreement which will very much change the nature of trade, the quality of the products and personal freedom in the countries, yet, it's hidden both by the Media and by the governments.
As indicated by Erikson, kids who effectively resolve the mental clash of industry versus inferiority (the mental clash of center youth, which is settled decidedly when encounters lead youngsters to build up a feeling of capability at helpful aptitudes and assignments) build up a feeling of capability at helpful aptitudes and undertakings, take in the estimation of division of work, and build up a feeling of good duty and responsibility.