Hypnosis refers to a concentrated state of mind which is often associated with relaxation, and with increased suggestibility. however, under the state of hypnosis people appear to be much more open to useful ideas than in a typical situation. However, it should be noted here that in contrast to belief, people under hypnosis monitor themselves completely and never do anything that they would usually find highly offensive.
The English were in need
The English needed a new work force and turned to indentured servants. These white servants burnt up in the sun and died because of tropical diseases so they turned to the Native Americans. They too died of tropical diseases. They then turned to the people of South African for they worked well in the heat and were immune to the diseases
Answer: B. split the question into two so that it is not doublebarreled
Explanation: To improve the construct validity of the question above, the question could be separated into two distinct questios in other to make it better understood and also improve its validity.
It could be rephrase as thus:
"Please indicate whether the following statement is true or false for you:
1. My cell phone is new.
2. My cell phone has all the latest features".
Thus way the question has better construct validity.
The answer is other place of worship volunteering
<h3>What is the essence of religion in worship volunteering?</h3>
The history of religion, medicine, and healthcare in Western industrialised nations is intriguing. Religious institutions developed and staffed the earliest hospitals in the West for the treatment of the sick in the general populace.
Religious organisations oversaw issuing medical licences for hundreds of years. Religion includes ideas, customs, and ceremonies pertaining to the transcendent. Frequently, the mysterious or supernatural are involved.
Religions typically have a set of tenets regarding the afterlife and guidelines for social behaviour. Everything else is different from spirituality. involves walking the path of devotion because it involves both seeking the transcendent and finding the transcendent.
To know more about religion, visit:-
1. Salah (Daily Prayers) Islam
Shows dedication to their faith
2 Zakat (Almsgiving) Islam (also in other religons)
Practicing Charity
3 Hajj (Pilgrimage) Islam
These pilgrimages are often organized for those who cannot afford them by those who can. Shows a sense of community.
4 Meditation Buddhism
It involves analyzing a deeper look at yourself and your actions
5 Abstinence from alcohol Buddhism
It shows they have self control and care about their body
6 Vegetarianism Hinduism
This shows they care about animals