The third omniscent point of view is when the narrator knows exactly what the character feels, thinks and acts. Taking this in viewpoint and looking over your question I would say option d is the answer.
The meaning of this is basically whatever doesn't break you makes you stronger. As you struggle you learn from it. You will be stronger tomorrow because you have struggled in the past.
Expresses a negative connotative meaning (:
Exercise helps lower heart disease.
Answer: <u>a few</u> people.....
i m tired because i got very <u>few</u> sleep at night
i ll only need <u>a few</u> more minutes to finish my homework
is there any milk left 'yes, <u>a little</u>
i posted that comment <u>a few </u>days ago
i had <u>a few</u> subscribers to my video blog.....